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Coming Back From The Dead

Gospel Tabernacle Easter Message

Text: John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: 26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this? 1. The Life Of God – “I am the resurrection and the life.” John […]

The Prevailing Word 2

Gospel Tabernacle The Prevailing Word

Text: Acts 12:24 Acts 19:20 Other Translations – Acts 19:20 In such ways it became evident that the Word of the Master was now sovereign and prevailed in Ephesus. (MSG) Word Revelation – prevailed – G2479 (ischus); to have (or exercise) force (literal or figurative) can do be of strength, Strong’s 1. Faith Makes The Word Prevail […]

The Prevailing Word

Gospel Tabernacle The Prevailing Word

Text: Acts 12:24 Acts 19:20 Other Translations – Acts 19:20 In such ways it became evident that the Word of the Master was now sovereign and prevailed in Ephesus. (MSG) Word Revelation – prevailed – G2479 (ischus); to have (or exercise) force (literal or figurative) can do be of strength, Strong’s 1. Faith Makes The […]

Why We Don’t Pray For Faith

Introduction A prayer for faith would be a prayer of unbelief. A prayer of unbelief has no grounds for being answered. People who pray for faith live in the realm of unbelief. There is no need for the believer to pray for faith. Text: Luke 17:5-6; Mark 9:22-24 1. The Believer Has John 6:47 John 5:24 Mark […]

More Than A Conqueror

Gospel Tabernacle More Than A Conqueror

Introduction: Conqueror – to be victorious to overcome by force. Text: Romans 8:35-37 Other Translations – Romans 8:37 Yet amid all these things we are more than conquerors and gain a surpassing victory through Him Who loved us. (AMP) Four absolutes if you are truly going to be more than a conqueror 1. Must Be […]