Join us for our first ever Shepherd’s Conference!

Shepherd's Conference: The Art of Shepherding

We invite anyone (in our church & outside of our church) that is currently in ministry or feels a call to ministry. 

This conference is meant for ANY laborer in the the Lord’s church. Nursery workers, Preschool, Children’s Church, and Teen leaders, Ushers, Greeters, Praise Team members, Deacons, Pastors, Evangelists, Bible Study Leaders, and anyone that has a desire to help lead people to Christ and build His Church!

Pastor A.J. will teach 4 impactful sessions on what it means to be a good shepherd, following in the foot steps of the Good Shepherd, Jesus.

Session Topics:

  • What is means to be a Shepherd                      
  • Good & Bad Shepherds
  • How to become a good shepherd
  • The tools of a shepherd

Breakfast and Refreshments will be provided. Each session will be approximately 40 minutes long with a 10 minute break. Doors open at 8:00am with breakfast available. Teaching will start at 8:40am. 

Please register today! Pre-Registration helps us prepare food and teaching materials.