Pastor A.J. gives 9 reasons to read your bible EVERYDAY! This is by no means a complete list of the all the many reasons you should daily read your Bible – but it’s a great start to one! These 9 reasons will inspire you to devour the Word of God daily as if your very life depended upon it – because it does! Click the Thumbnail to watch the Bible Study! 

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9 Reasons to Read Your Bible Everyday!

  1. The Lord is His Word! – John 1:1-5
  2. The Word carries Creative Power. – John 1:3, Hebrews 11:3
  3. The Word is food to My Spirit. – 1 Peter 2:1-3, Hebrews 5:12-14, Matthew 4:4
  4. The Word is My Weapon. – Matthew 4, Ephesians 6:17, Hebrews 4:12
  5. The Word brings Revelation. – Hebrews 4:13, Psalm 119:105, 130
  6. The Word keeps me clean! – Psalm 119:9-11, Ephesians 5:26-27, John 17:17
  7. The Word keeps me correct. – 2 Timothy 3:14-17
  8. The Word makes me complete. 2 Timothy 3:17
  9. The Word makes me wise. – 2 Timothy 3:15, Psalm 119:97-104